Saturday, February 4, 2012

A disconnected outcast

90 degrees of my Average Pointless Sneaking down inside my MIND.

This blog is dedicated to every reality stars.It's my own opinion so it doesn't matter to you.

Hey reality star... you suck. you can't ever be taken seriously because, look it, I mean,You're on a friggin' reality show for God's sake! You suck because you've become famous for being yourself, partying, and having sex with cameras following you around. You are SELLOUT! Ok I'm sorry, I will be kinder to you. I know that the show doesn't represent your entire personality but I have to judge you solely on what I see on TV. The fact that you signed up for a reality show means that you are desperate for fame, you have no brains, family values, or any sense of self respect. There is absolutely NO WAY that you can be on a reality show yet also shares these traits. I mean,,,,, can I even call you a "human" now? Are you human? Maybe you were, but you can never be again. Whatever you do, do NOT expect to be taken seriously in the real world after being on a reality show.How the hell can we take you seriously? The fact that cameras followed you around for a few weeks absolutely diminishes any positive humanly qualities that you once had.

Don't expect to ever get a job because you've never worked a day in your life. You have money from being in a reality show but you sure as hell don't deserve it. You didn't have a 97 average from the time you were in first grade to high school. You didn't graduate college with a 3.9 GPA. You don't know what work is, your rich family supported you your entire life. You don't know what its like to get you electric turned off because your family can't pay a bill. You don't know what it's like to watch your parents break their back in order to buy you a new pair of Jordans. You are unappreciative because of those cameras followed you around... I'm sorry....

Don't ever.. EVER, be expected to have any talent of any kind whatsoever. EVER! Real talented people who have been working their entire lives still haven't achieved a tiny percentage of success that you have gotten ever night. Do you feel proud of that? The fact that you made it so quickly means that you've never done anything talented in your life. You were on a reality show! You can't spell. You can't read or write. You can't sing or perform. You can't draw. You have zero creativity otherwise you wouldn't have to go on a show like that and make a fool of yourself.. And here is a very important point. Do not expect to ever do anything else in the entertainment industry. Did you ever read Scarlet Letter? (Probably not because you're a reality star)But that's what you are. A disconnected outcast. You can't act. You weren't the lead role in every high school play. . You never memorized a full play and performed it at the theatre in front of hundreds of people. You've never performed Shakespearian monologues. You never studied acting or had a real audition. Now that you're famous you expect to be in the next big movie just because of who you are. How do you sleep at night?

Don't ever expect to love. I see what you do on that show. You sleep with a new chick every night. What a pig you are. REAL men who aren't on reality show do not bring random girls home from clubs and bang them.You have zero respect for women. You weren't raised in a house with only your mom and two sisters so how do you know to respect female? Females do not want to hook up with you. You are taking advantage of them because of your fame! You don't keep in touch with them after you hook up. In fact, you tell everyone that "she was a hoe" and ruin reputations. Its all YOUR fault don't you get it. Because the TV shows your life being documented while you are a young man in his early twenties in a party environment, you have a passion, emotion, or love to share with a significant other.

So I think you are getting my point here reality star... You just SUCK. And the more you show is about drinking and partying, the harder you suck. Drinking and partying is not something everyone does! Hardly anyone does it so the fact that you have the AUDACITY to get up there with your little dance moves and rub it in the faces of everyone is bullshit... So remember you're not smart, you have no talent, you'll never be anything else once the fifteen minutes is up, you are terrible person with no morals, and you suck..................... oh I can't wait to watch your show on Thursday, maybe Everyday!!!!

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